
The Clean Energy Institute (CEI) is guided by Members who participate through the advisory committees and active participation in the tutorials, outreach, and research activities of the center. The annual Membership fee supports the Technology Transfer element of the center, student fellowships and seed funding for innovative research concepts. The recognition of participation adds measurably to the Member organization through the international visibility of the center, the opportunity for direct networking with the combustion, fuel cell, and distributed technologies community, and the access to marketing and research information.

CEI membership benefits include:

  • Opportunity to participate and guide CEI activities through seat on the Technical Advisory Committee
  • Early access to non-proprietary data, reports, and documents prepared and released
  • First access to site visits and tours
  • First access to enrollment in workshops and training courses
  • Participation in Focus Group Sessions
  • Participation in Application tutorials on "Niche Markets"
  • Opportunity for Promotion and visibility
  • Market analyses
  • First access to Beta Testing and Demonstration Sites

To request information about becoming a member please contact:
William Gary
Outreach & External Relations
Phone: 949.824.7302 Ext: 11131
wmg @