Director's Message

Welcome to the Clean Energy Institute (CEI) at the University of California, Irvine. As director of CEI, it is my pleasure to invite you to explore our distinguished program and learn about our exceptional students, faculty, staff, and facilities. CEI is an integrated, translational program that addresses the broad utilization of energy resources from a systems perspective and the emerging nexus of electric power generation, transportation, water resources, infrastructure, and the environment.

CEI is renowned for its Pacific Coast location, centered in the heart of southern California. The campus and surrounding area act as a living laboratory where CEI practices the development and deployment of efficient, environmentally sensitive, and sustainable power generation and energy conversion.

CEI is uniquely successful in supporting and promoting U.S. power generation leadership through a "systems and market-based" approach which encompasses the advancement of public-private strategic alliances, the deployment of electrical power generation and transportation systems into the built-environment, and the development of the next generation technologies to meet the energy needs of the world. As a result, CEI attracts the brightest and most intellectually astute minds to our graduate program. Students collaborate with fellow peers, faculty, and research staff, and are the engine of our program while training to become the next generation of clean energy engineers, scientists, and executives.

Political leaders, the business community and consumers are now beginning to appreciate the essential link between electrical power generation and nearly every other aspect of daily life, from transportation and communications to water treatment and delivery to air quality and health care. There is, accordingly, a great need for research leaders in the engineering field, but also in economics, policy and business management in the space of clean energy. Advanced energy technologies are critically important for a robust economy, a healthy citizenry and environment, and a more sustainable way of life for everyone on the planet. CEI is proud to be helping shape our future leaders, and to be playing a role in building a cleaner, more efficient future.

Thank you for visiting, and please contact us with any questions you may have.


Professor Jack Brouwer, Ph.D.
